Category: Joan Oakes Mobile Beauty

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All Seasons Wedding Expo

The Wedding Expo at the All Seasons is on this Sunday 1st Feb from 10-2 pm. Lots of great prizes to be won. Everything you need to make your day special. It's a gold coin donation to go, so don't miss out. I look forward to seeing you there.

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Vue De Monde

On Sat 17th Jan 20015 I was lucky enough to have the pleasure of being involved inVirginias' Wedding as her makeup artist.  I also attended the Wedding at  Vue De Monde, it was amazing.

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Chateau Dore Open & Tasting Day

Looking forward to the open day at Chateau Dore on  Sunday 12th Oct starting at 11 am. Come over and have a look at my Youngblood Mineral Cosmetics and let me share some ideas on how I can help you prepare for your Wedding Day. 

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