Category: #Mobilebeauty #Youngblood Mineral Cosmetics #Sunescape #Joan Oakes Mobile Beauty

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Sarah & Jayes' Wedding

Sarah, my third daughter married the love of her life Jaye Cameron, on 2nd April this year @ Tindarra Resort Moama. Ross Simmons was their Celebrant. Leah Ladson Photography & Design did an amazing job with the photos. Dustin Schilling Design & Film, the film highlights were beautiful. The stunning bouquets  were from Eternal Vase. Sarah's Aunty Cheryl from Chermau Hair Care did an amazing job of girls hair. Lorraine Grant, Sarah's Nan made the Wedding cake  (yummy) and together made the jam for the bonbaries. Edith, Sarah Grandma dried rose petals for their special day. Joan Oakes Mobile Beauty for the Makeup, Spraytan & Nails. I also had the pleasure of making Sarah's Wedding Dress, the bridesmaids , Men's ties and the little boys ties. As you can see it was a family affair and a whole lot of fun.

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The Hair and Beauty Shop of Bendigo

ELEVEN days to go before I start at The Hair and Beauty Shop of Bendigo. Please call Helen to make your appointment on 54428314

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